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The Golfer's Waggle


Originally published 2003

Golf set up and the waggle

Every golfer has a waggle- A waggle o' his ain- A wiggle-waggle, long and short, Wi' flourishes or plain.

The long and quick, the short and quick, Long, short, and quick and slow; The variety is infinite That golfin' waggles show.

The sprightly waggle of success, Dull waggle of defeat; The weary waggle-wasting time,

The waggle of conceit.

The waggle of the swanky pro, Of "Far and Sure" design; The feeble waggle of old age, That preludes "off the line."

The caddie's waggle-dry asides, That golfers whiles maun suffer; And worst o' waggles on the links, The waggle of the duffer.

The waggle shows the waggler, Be the waggle slow or quick; There is mair into the waggle, Than the waggle o' the stick

Poem courtesy The Fife Herald


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